
5 Mistakes That Must Be Prevented In CV

Your CV must be a professional-looking document. So bear in mind the following pointers:

  • Use sheets of standard-sized plain white paper for printing out your CV. Colored paper, especially thick paper, or paper of an unusual shape or size only annoys the person trying to file it.
  • Choose a simple typeface such as Helvetica or Times Roman. And use the standard font size that your word processing program uses as its default. Avoid shrinking the font size to squeeze more on to your CV – experienced employers immediately spot this as the tactic of a of a desperate job hunter who cannot prioritize what to include on a CV.
  • Use the standard settings for the margins, headers and footers of your CV too. Avoid reducing them to squash more content on to your CV. Choosing carefully what to include on your CV to sell your talents will make a better impression than trying to cram as much as you can on to the printed page.
  • Be careful of trying to impress an employer through gimmicks. Very few employers appreciate gimmicks, such as jokes printed on CVs, and most experienced employers have seen them all before.
  • And there really is no excuse for having either spelling or grammatical errors on your CV. Any errors on your CV immediately raise questions in the mind of the reader about your attention to detail (or your lack of it).